Bauma 2019 – The Vivatec Team says Thank you!

The Bauma 2019 has now come to an end after a full week of trade fair. Vivatec Safety GmbH had a very intensive and successful time at the world’s leading fair for our industry. First and foremost, our thanks goes to our in-house assembly crew, who built up our stand with dedication and passion.

In addition, we would also like to thank the colleagues of the other exhibiting companies who spent this exciting week together with us in a very friendly environment. We hope that the fair was as successful for them as it was for us and wish them all the best for the future.

Last but not least, we would like to thank all the guests we welcomed at our booth. We had the great pleasure to meet people from all continents from many countries and we were pleased to introduce our products in such an international environment. The joint discussions were very interesting and we hope it was similar to all our visitors.

We are very proud to have been part of the biggest Bauma of all times and are looking forward seeing as many familiar faces as possible at the next Bauma, from 04.-10. April 2022, in Munich.




 Vivatec Booth  Vivatec Booth 2  Vivatec Team Bauma 2019
+44 (0) 113 240 8536